Astazi e ziua printesei mele ! Pe langa cativa trandafiri galbeni un poem:

Cine nu si-a sters in taina un suspin,
Cand vara prea scurta pare
Sibiul arde in umbletul ei felin
Precum umbra din adanc tresare,
Cavalerul isi taraste cu greu zalele,
Cerul norii si ultimele soapte
De dinaintea coridei, balele
Zorilor nasc noapte de noapte.
Ratacesti si tu in propriu-ti burg.
E ca si cum revii in acelasi loc
Si nu stii ca orele se scurg
Sau anii in piata rotunjita in bazalt.
Mireasma crangului de soc
Te inchide in turnul cel inalt.
Today is my Friend Chris Gambino s Birthday also. Another poem dedicated to our Friendship:

Breakfast in America
Morning over the waves and the palms
Over the your eyes
On the golden beach- a poem or a blossom
Falls with another song, the mockingbird falls in sleep
You try to sing
Or to say the first words
The coffee s steaming in the azure,
Behind you and the time
It s always a wall separates our destiny.
I know like in a Wang Wei’ verse where two friends drink
The last mug
In the morning
Over the orchids,
Over the wall of silence,
You just leave through the dusty road,
It s no more tears for a gypsy life.
la multi ani/ happy birthday!
Multumesc din Suflet Calin ! Oriunde am fi, noi, sibienii ne gandim la orasul nostru si la viitorul acestuia.
Semper Fidelis !
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