Monday, February 4, 2019

Romania Transport sau succesul unei familii

Sute de romani il cunosc pe Nea Ghita de aproape doaua decenii in SUA.
Inainte sa existe internetul Gheorghe Florea a inceput o afacere de famile sa trimita pachete ale romanilor din diaspora in Romania.
In vremurile de inceput fotografia livrarea de pachete cu un Polaroid,
A inceput sa-si cunoasca clientii din Florida si pana in Boston.
Nu este doar un simplu caraus cum am crede, ci este parte din bucuria celor doua grupuri de Romania, din tara si din SUA.
Are grija ca pachetele sa ajunga la timp si in stare impecabila.
Incerc sa-i multumesc pentru toti anii de servicii ireprosabile.
ROMANIA TRANSPORT este un serviciu unic.
Nu poate fi imitat, nici copiat.

Your questions/clarification
The shipping company we've been working with for almost 5 years is Romania Transport (owned by Mr. Florea) www. and the ONLY collection point in the DMV area is in Alexandria VA at the Elk's Lodge
ANY OTHER advertised collection is being handled by a different company

FRIENDLY REMIDER PL E A S E  R E A D especially since next shipment will be our EASTER shipment
Last package accepted at 2:45PM!!!
Best way to contact collection point is via this e-mail
  • we cannot accept packages over 80lbs, a rule made by EU customs and not arbitrarily made by our collection point nor Mr. Florea - so please do not insist; if in doubt, please make 2 packages; understand that the readings on our scale count
  • all fragile objects have to be shipped in wooden crates, unless you take full written responsibility for the rare eventuality of damage
  • all bicycles have to have the pedals turned inwards and handle bar paralel to the bike to avoid damaging other packages in container
  • due to limited space, please have packages ready for shipment taped and labeled 

Image result for easter clipartNext collection Day: FEBRUARY 23rd, 2019

Elks Lodge (Private Club)
Domnul Florea patron # 610-223-6105 telefon/text

entrance is on the right of the building; door is marked ROCK Please DO NOT ring main door bell and DO NOT call the Elks Lodge They are a private club and have no connection with us - we are their renters located only a few minutes off of Interstate 95. Two miles south on Rt 1 Richmond Highway towards Ft. Belvoir, located on your right. For other collection points please go to
  • Price= $1.40 CASH ONLY
  • INSURANCE (optional): 19% of value
  • No taxes/limits on box measurements

  • Image result for easter clipartSHOP EUROFOODSImage result for easter clipart

Despre camelii și alte flori. Poem în iarnă ( pentru Camelia G)

  Cândva pe povârnișuri sprijinind geana dimineții căutam camelia neștiind floarea din lume,  doar un nume și mă agățam de toți scaieț...