Monday, November 25, 2019

Squanto, the Thanksgiving Saint

Once a man was captured and taken as a slave to Spain.
Bought and educated by some clergymen, he managed to fit in with European traditions, new crafts and escaped to England.
After years in America he found himself alone in his native land.
The tribe of Patuxet was decimated by the plague, probably brought by Europeans.
He found shelter in a community of pilgrims.
An expert in English and his native language, he became the emissary of the understanding, of the good coexistence.
He died young (apparently poisoned) and buried in an unmarked grave.
I wonder if today's church, the schools  honor him enough?
I am convinced that if many of the colonists who arrived in America had followed the example of Squanto, the history would have been different.

Despre camelii și alte flori. Poem în iarnă ( pentru Camelia G)

  Cândva pe povârnișuri sprijinind geana dimineții căutam camelia neștiind floarea din lume,  doar un nume și mă agățam de toți scaieț...