Thursday, November 7, 2013

Arta de dincolo de gara. E ziua lui Lucky, o saptamana inainte una dupa

Nu mi pot imagina Sibiul fara cateva persoane dragi.
Era o vreme cand eram student. Amicul, vecinul de cartier si mult iubitul camarad imi platea o bere la Imparatul Romanilor.
Nu zic mai mult decat bucuria studentului cinstit si onorat in saracia lui, in nesabuinta lui.
La Multi Ani de ziua de nastere, dar si de cea de nume !

Despre sfinti si oameni

A prelua numele unui model. al unui erou nu este doar un simplu joc carnavalesc. Sfantul Mihail -care in ebraica s-ar traduce prin "a fi ca Dumnezeu" nu cred ca ar trebui nominalizat ca un fel de razvratit.
Privesc multe dintre imaginile din icoane cu cei doi arhangheli Mihai si Gabriel si imi atrage atentia spada si tinuta victorioasa a cavalerului luptator.
Doctrina ortodoxa a estompat imaginea spadei in smerenie, si in plecarea capului pentru a nu a fi taiat.
Nu cred ca e erezie in a incerca sa fii ca Dumnezeu.
Holderlin scria: "o data am trait ca zeii si e de ajuns".
Sarbatoresc legenda si viata celor doi arhangheli in speranta ca un popor cu calitati, cu resurse intr-o buna zi va alege calea iluminarii supreme si a luptei directe intru depasire a conditiei de permamenti smeriti.
La Multi Ani tuturor celor ce poarta numele de Mihai si Gabriel, si mai ales Regelui Mihai !

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Police Officer is not a People s Enemy

For mostly of immigrants born in totalitarian countries the legal enforcement institution means reprimand action, terror and a tool in the government hands.
I met Captain Stacey Kincaid and since beginning I realized her approach to any ethnic groups. She liked to know about Romania and how is the situation now, after the communism failure.
She accepted to be our special guest and took the time to be with us. Stacey Kincaid is endorsed as candidate for the November elections, as the first female sheriff of the Fairfax County in 271 years. She received the highest agency’s honor, the Distinguished Service Award.

  1. Captain Stacey Kincaid, please tell us what determine you to run in this campaign?
I am running for Sheriff because I care about the organization and its people, sworn, civilian and volunteer.  I also care deeply about the community and am committed to maintaining positive relationships and opportunities for collaboration while developing new ones/initiatives.  For example, programs such as Shop with the Sheriff, Project Life Saver, Homeless Shelter initiatives and Peer Support have all been well received and have been extremely beneficial to the community.

  1. I understand the job as Sheriff is not an easy one, what it makes you to accept it?

I have served in the Sheriff’s Office for over 26 years. While we have an outstanding Office, there is more that the Sheriff’s Office can do. Being Sheriff will enable me to make changes that will make the promotion process of the Office fairer and more transparent, establish more outreach to build trust between the various minority communities and the Sheriff’s Office and review the contracts, processes and procedures to make sure that the taxpayers money is being well-spent.

  1. Tell us please about your activity as police officer.

In Fairfax, the Sheriff’s Office is different from the Police Department. Sheriff’s deputies do not perform what most people view as police functions. For example, we do not investigate crimes or issue tickets. Our three core functions are running the Adult Detention Center (the jail), providing security for the courthouse and service civil law process, such as foreclosure notices. During my 26 years with the Sheriff’s Office, I have served in all four divisions in both operational and administrative positions.

  1. Since I know you I see you value in high terms the close relationship with the citizens. How do you explain it?

It is critical that law enforcement officers establish a relationship of trust with the residents prior to any issue or controversy arising. As we learned after September 11, long term relationship between residents and law enforcement prevents misunderstanding and increases the safety of the community. It is also important that we begin to build these relationships when residents are young so that they have continuing positive interactions with law enforcement. That is one reason why I am an advocate of the programs that reach out to and benefit children, such as the Shop with the Sheriff program that aids homeless children prepare for school.

  1. Your duty as police officer could interfere with the politics? I know the word diversity becomes a key into your professional activity trying to promote the justice for everyone.

In Virginia, all sheriffs are elected officers as is required by the Virginia Constitution. However, little of what the Sheriff actually does – running the jail, protecting the courthouse and serving civil process – has any political component to it. As Sheriff Deputies interact with the public, it is important that they understand and respect various cultures. Diversity, with its corollary fairness and opportunity for all, within the Sheriff’s Office will make the Office stronger.

Thank you very much and I wish you to be the winner of this coming campaign.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

  Happy Thanksgiving Day!   Autumn's gold flows into the ocean, people welcome the last light before the snow. Peace and joy, the fire r...