Saturday, August 3, 2013

MEMO. Best Trans DC and NVA, MD area point

As some of you have requested, you are welcome to place advertisement in our newsletter and social media -
a monetary gift of your choice towards my charity effort would be greatly appreciated 


We have already started our package collection and 1/3 of the truck filled in one day. Please keep in mind, packages will leave in the order they have been received.

Please re-send the BestTrans Terms&Conditions to all your contacts (especially the new ones) it can saves time and frustration on both sides. Thank you!
You can also order things to BestTrans from anywhere in the world and we ship them to the below mentioned countries.
Air freight is offered ONLY out of Detroit (
DC area door-to-door packages collection point

please remember that this is a VOLUNTEER collection point serving the Romanian community and I do NOT work for money but for BestTrans's goodwill to ship care packages to help the needy in Romania. Your courtesy is appreciated.
·         Voluntary insurance= 5% of amount you would like to insure
·  ALWAYS call first and provide time of your arrival/call if that time cannot be kept
·  no delivery after 7:00 PM and on weekends (exceptions are made on a case by case basis)
·  park ONLY in front of garage
·  use cart if needed - take pathway on left of garage and come to the back of the house
·  pack tightly (any container acceptable)
·  40 lbs MINIMUM to ONE address/max 80 lbs for one package
·  packages over 80 lbs are $1.50/lb
·  seal package well and label w/Romanian address and phone number
·  PLEASE bring packages READY for shipment
·  any questions/comments after they leave my collection point should be directed with receipt number ONLY to WWW.BestTrans.rocustomer service and NOT to me
·  fee depends on volume as well: if (L x H x W) : 166 exceeds weight, it will be that amount x cost/lb
·  delivery time+ 6-8 weeks from the time it leaves my collection point
·  ROMANIA $1.25/lb some fees may apply for electronics (new or old) etc. /please ask first!
·  Rep Moldova/Serbia/Hungary/Bulgaria: $1.60/lb
·  England $1.75'lb
·   there is NO service to other countries and no shipment from RO to the US
·         The BestTrans collection point is NOT a Bazar - prices/fees are NOT negotiable

Spune mi ce automobil conduci sa ti spun cine esti

Ma gandeam ca intre automobile si soferii lor exista o stransa legatura. Asa cum uneori intre caini si stapani exista o asemanare si intre detinatorii de automobile se pot face unele descrieri psiho-somatice.
Doar la vazul unui automobil in functie de marca, de model, de culoare ne putem imagina stapanul sau stapana, stilul de condus si de ce nu comportamentul ... Ce credeti ?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Amintirea lui Vah Gogh


Grau in falduri- vara isi alinta ochii
sub chiparosi,
mai jos catre mare,
maslinii o asteapta
in genunchi.

Vincent atarna ultimul vis instelat pe peretele inalt,


Amintirea nuntii

Oratie de nunta

Genele bradului in zori cad
in flacari se insira macii
si in autombilul deschis brizei dinspre mare
se ascunde printre lanuri – te ridici si te ingropi in ani,

te pierzi si tu. Ai plecat pe inserate mana in mana cu mireasa,
in urma valsul- si numai o singura data pentru tine, inflorire,
cioburi in solzii scuturati din trupul hamesit al tineretii,
a trecut o noapte, iti spui cu sfiala,

oglinda iti arata apa speriata in herghelii, atingi fotografia,
te trezesti si totul se inchide, ecranul la aprinderea zilei
                             si ochii iti ard,

inteapa genele bradului,
prea putine pentru noaptea nuntii.

Ratacesti in vadul luminii,
si nu vezi, doare scuturarea de petale,
doare un cantec, ai vrea sa-l asculti din nou,
sa-l ingani,

se zbate undeva intre lumini,
fluture descompus in zbor,

Umbra inca se rasfira intre ardere si moarte,
in dans

Despre camelii și alte flori. Poem în iarnă ( pentru Camelia G)

  Cândva pe povârniÈ™uri sprijinind geana dimineÈ›ii căutam camelia neÈ™tiind floarea din lume,  doar un nume È™i mă agățam de toÈ›i scaieÈ›...