Fabergé egg
“The story began when Tsar Alexander III decided to give his wife the Empress Maria Fedorovna an Easter Egg in 1885, possibly to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their betrothal. It is believed that the Tsar’s inspiration for the piece was an egg owned by the Empress’s aunt, Princess Wilhelmine Marie of Denmark, which had captivated Maria’s imagination in her childhood. Known as the Hen Egg, it is crafted from gold. Its opaque white enamelled ‘shell’ opens to reveal its first surprise, a matte yellow gold yolk. This in turn opens to reveal a multi-coloured gold hen, that also opens. It contains a minute diamond replica of the Imperial Crown from which a small ruby pendant was suspended. Unfortunately, these last two surprises have been lost.” (from Wikipedia)
„Astazi este Joia Mare, ziua inrosirii oualor pentru Sarbatoarea Pastelui. La romani, Joia Mare se mai numeste Joi Mari, Joia Patimilor, Joia Neagra sau Joimarita, in functie de regiune. Se spune ca ouale inrosite sau incondeiate in aceasta zi nu se strica tot anul si ca, ingropate pe ogor, feresc recolta de vitregiile naturii.
Traditia vopsirii si impodobirii oualor de Paste nu se gaseste doar la romani. Este prezenta in multe tari, mai ales in cele din Sud-Estul Europei. Tehnica difera in functie de tara, iar in Romania in functie de zona, timp si creatorul popular.” (dintr-un blog Oana Niculescu - Mizil)
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