Friday, January 1, 2010

We've Got Tomorrow

Ziua dintai
Ne trezim intr-o alta zi, ca si cum am aluneca dintr-un timp intr-altul.
Tunelul anilor se adanceste odata cu lasatul diminetii dupa noaptea de petrecere in sampanii destupate si focuri de artificii.
Am fi vrut ca noaptea sa dainuie, sampania sa bolboroseasca in perle si cantecul iubirii sa acopere asezarea iernatica.
Revelionul nu e oare o traducere a trezirii din vis, o intoarcere a cersetorului din loja de aur in latrina periferiei ?
Imi staruie un cantec al lui Chris Isaak ale carui versuri sunt mai mult decat sugestive:

When clouds appear Things look tough We won't give in We won't give up We've got tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and then tomorrow goes on and on until forever, if you say you love me, too. A simple plan is all we'll do You count on me I'll count on you And we'll have tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and the tomorrow's go on and on until forever, if you say you love me, too. And when the hard time comes, oh darlin, don't be blue. You're never on your own, I'm waiting here for you. -BREAK-
And when the hard times come, oh darlin, don't be blue. You're never on your own, I'm standing here for you. So take my hand And we'll begin What we start Will never end We've got tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and then tomorrow's go on and on. We've got tomorrow, and then tomorrow, yeah, it just goes on and on until forever if you say you love me, too. Until forever, if you say you love me, too.

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