Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Story

Thanksgiving Story I once worked in an American restaurant in Virginia. Before Thanksgiving, the manager offered to celebrate the holiday at work. The traditional turkey and the whole feast would be paid for by the company. The manager thought that most of the employees are poor and at the same time they will enjoy the pleasure of the celebration. An employee of a lady from another country retaliated naughtily - It is not my holiday and I do not care. It is not part of my religion! All staff were speechless. The manager went to the office and came back with some printed papers. He shared the copies and read aloud a few paragraphs representing the historical moment of the lunch between the Mayflower immigrants and the native Indians. Not to mention the church and God!

1 comment:

Tiberiu said...

Good and enjoyable reading!

Despre camelii și alte flori. Poem în iarnă ( pentru Camelia G)

  Cândva pe povârnișuri sprijinind geana dimineții căutam camelia neștiind floarea din lume,  doar un nume și mă agățam de toți scaieț...