Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving !

Today everyone must to be happy. It s the end of the autumn. The copper and the gold are falling apart. Soon the silver and the porcelain bring the Winter Goddess in the city.
I wish i was with my Dad to buy the biggest turkey. It s like in my childhood he choose the highest tree in our poor home before Christmas. We been around children, cousins, aunts and uncles, neighbors
One thing i say my right seat in the car is always empty waiting for my dad to come back.
We ll listen today the same Country songs he never understood, but he liked them. We ll open bottle by bottle and I know you he ll be happy with us.


Waves coming in
Waves coming out.

The only one,
the palm tree over the ocean
the years -green snow never

the tree always watch the sailors when they return back home
this my father
waiting for me
coming out from the azure.


Nepotul lui Rameau said...

frumos dear Florin, poet of the green

Nepotul lui Rameau said...

frumos dear Florin, poet of the green

Despre camelii și alte flori. Poem în iarnă ( pentru Camelia G)

  Cândva pe povârnișuri sprijinind geana dimineții căutam camelia neștiind floarea din lume,  doar un nume și mă agățam de toți scaieț...