Monday, August 13, 2012

Refuz sa mai stiu de politica din Romania

"La Paloma" is one of the most popular songs ever written, having been produced in diverse cultures, settings, arrangements, and recordings over the last 140 years. The song was composed and written by Sebastian Iradier (later Yradier) after visited Cuba in 1861. The firs line of the original song is " Cuando sali de la Habana, valgame dios!" Iradier may have composed "La Paloma" around 1863, just two years before he died in Spain in obscurity, never to learn how popular his song would become....

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Despre camelii și alte flori. Poem în iarnă ( pentru Camelia G)

  Cândva pe povârnișuri sprijinind geana dimineții căutam camelia neștiind floarea din lume,  doar un nume și mă agățam de toți scaieț...