Today not far from the Capitol a new Giant store becomes a commercial site for the neighborhood and another successful ring in the chain.
C.A. Courtesy is present with a six demonstrator’s team.
Our employees are not only simple executants; they are ambassadors between three worlds: the vendors, the Giant as shopping arena and the marketing coordinators.
I encountered a real party atmosphere with music, fun and happy customers.
Being a employee dedicated to the shoppers seems a partnership where nobody is cheated.
Giant remains quality in service, in products.
I’ m glad to meet two of my superiors from Boston, Courtney and Tyler.
Thanks C.A. Courtesy and this job for making me feeling home and not lonely.
The two Marketing supervisors become an example of the work with the customers; launch the advocate’s vocation to help the shoppers, not translated as a servile practice.
I found out with a real surprise to know for the first time tonight, Courtney Bishop has another primary job: Freelance Productions Assistant in Washington, DC (NBC News Channel Washington is the hub for MSNBC, CNBC, News Channel, Telemundo, ITN London and Global Canada)
caut păsări negre
ace subţiri
subţiri şi înţepătoare
în timp ce tu împrăştii în aer
fulgi de aur
fructele imaginaţiei tale aprinse
ca luciul unui cello
spatele lui strălucitor
amintirile te duc la pierzanie
ce mult îţi place să devorezi
să te micşorezi
să te împrăştii
să aduni franjurii ceţii
ca perlele palmierului din pântecul tău
chiar tremurul ecranului
se pierde şi dispare..
Un poem tipic suprarealist si sugestiv ! Multumesc confratelui israelian.
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