Natalie Montanaro se afla intr-o comuna necunoscuta din judetul Bacau ca activist al organismului Peace Corps.
Exemplul Domniei Sale in a sprijini copiii din aceasta localitate ar trebui sa constituie o stire de prima pagina si un dar de nepretuit oferit de catre Natalie poporului roman.
Citez un pasaj din declaratiile de suflet ale Doamnei Montanaro:
Here I am now in the old place I’ve grown accustomed to for the past year with familiar people and a new host family. I’m full of hope that it will all get organized and for sure I have a store of new experiences and places that I will remember to share with others when I complete my service. I even took my cooking skills on the road with me and shared with others along the way to sweeten the veritable pot as I remained "semi-homeless" for the better part of this summer. See the article about that part of the trip here at http://www.acum.tv/articol/16625. After hours and days of crowded buses, endless waiting, frustrations, spent energies, long trains, sleepless nights, and even a nasty bump on the head that ultimately led to a concussion, I am done travelling for the moment until the next vacation, one that hopefully won’t include any natural disasters. But such is life. Here or there, lots of things sometimes can rain on your parade, but the sun comes out eventually. So, it wasn't all the "Winter (or summer) of My Discontent", rather it was just a kind of free-wheeling, unpredictable,disconnected, kind of funny, "life on the road" journey that happens now and then when you least expect it. Peace Corps year two: Here I come!
(Va urma)
Gratiei stradaniilor Cristinei Dobrin si publicatiei www.Acum.tv portretul Nataliei Montanaro este cunoscut cititorilor din tara si din diaspora.
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